Speaking of hurting myself, I don't think that the New Balance 814s were the best choice. My right foot seems to roll in more than they did with my old Nike Motos. I called up Mary at the F.W Running Co. and asked her for some suggestions.
Now, a couple of weeks ago, most of what she told me would have sailed right over my head, hit the right field wall, rolled around on the warning track and we go on to lose the World Series in seven games...damn, that still hurts. Anyway, she suggested both a different style of Motion Control runner and even a few Stability runners. She even has a handful in stock that will fit the boats that I lovingly refer to as feet. She also told me that I need to spend some time on their in-house treadmills to make sure that we get the best shoe.
With the shoe situation resolved, I can turn my attention to some other running related things that have piqued my interest, like GPS units. So far, I've done nothing but use a pedometer and stopwatch. As soon as I get in, I enter the info at both Active.com and Daily Mile to determine my pace and calories burned. Are there better ways? Of course. One of the people that inspired this adventure suggested a Garmin GPS watch while saying she has heard not great things about Nike+. Meanwhile, I've had other people swear by Nike+. A customer at the running store said that he loves his Timex Ironman GPS. One of my friends that drinks too much told me to carry around the TomTom that is currently hanging from my windshield.
I've tried a couple of different running apps (I have a Blackberry before anyone suggests a cool iPhone/Droid app) but both would freeze up halfway through my session so those were tossed. At this point, I'm strongly leaning towards the Garmin...hopefully it fits my wrist.
If money wasn't a problem i'd be right there with you on a gps running robot. I would probably prefer it. So glad you are getting into this. It has seriously changed my life. I hope that you will continue to enjoy this. Im sure mr. vader does!